I have to admit, though, that I've been forced to reconsider my position on the specific case of Rexy or not to Rexy. Who forced me to step back and examine my life choices?
Who else? Saint Jaws of Philadephia.
"“He’s out of control,” Jaworski said. “He’s having a hard time differentiating aggressiveness from stupidity.” I asked about the Bears offensive scheme, and Jaworski pointed out several plays that were designed to give Grossman an easy read and boost his confidence. Even on these relatively simple plays, Grossman made mistakes. “Right now, Ron Turner is calling plays not to attack the defense, but to try to get Grossman comfortable,” he said."
Again, let me be clear: wiser and smarter men than me are considering the issue, none of whom appear on my television in an earring and/or tie. However, I will be watching Mr. Grossman's composure with greater countenance this evening. It's a damned shame there's no one available to help me with that during the telecast.
Enough, now, about the horse beaten so badly that no message board could save it. I ask you to turn your gaze southwest ever so slightly and consider the St. Louis Rams. They're 5-7 and have been outscored by 45 points. I can tell you no more about this team as a casual fan because they have committed the Cardinal sin of sports: they're dull.
I don't say that to be snide or sarcastic. (Who are we kidding? Of course I do.) However, I'd also like to be wrong. Mike Martz is in his death throes with another team. The league forced the Rams to take on Denzel Washington's son to shine just the slightest wattage on the team for Monday Night Football.
I present the worst sentence you can say to a Rams fan tonight. Bears fans, use this gift judiciously for you are not too far removed from the shame of blandness:
"Hey, didn't he used to be Isaac Bruce?"
Update #1: Oh, Rachel honey...you've got more roots showing than a tree after a tornado.
Update #2: Senator Barack Obama: Taped open. I'm not sure if you're aware, but this man will be our next Bobby Kennedy. Prepare for it. Wish for it.
Jim Belushi fetches the helmet. More on Belushi later.
Is ESPN aware the game is being played in St. Louis? Hell, I did a double-take after the open when the first field shot was indoors.
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