Sunday, December 3, 2006

The Critic

The Critic is a product of his generation, men known for their fanatical dedication to defeating the Soviets through Thermonuclear War and watching MTV as much as possible. Now between 30 and 40, residing in a state known for it's boundaries, The Critic takes the work of Physicists and critiques it until either the work is correct or the physicist is on mood stabilizers.

Unlike many in his field, The Critic is an avid sports fan, participant, and all around hip motherfucker. Listening to Ice Cube, drinking single malt scotch and discussing Chaos Theory may not sound hip but in fact, in some depressive way, it's tragically hip.

A lifelong fan of the New York Giants, New York Knicks, and Minnesota Twins, The Critic is well versed in the art of verbal self defense, dirty tricks, and early playoff exits. In his spare time The Critic listens to whales dying, despises television and maintains The Critical Sports Blog.


Anonymous said...

You are mean. Here, at your other blog and at deadspin. You are rude to people and make fun of colleges that you couldn't get into. Fuck you.

Sooze said...

Oh my goodness. I can't wait to read what anonymous commenters say about me.

HadesGigas said...

And I can't hardly wait to be rude to people and make fun of collegs I couldn't get into. Fuck me.

J.R. Brown said...

Hell, I make fun of all colleges. Especially the ones I did get into.

Anonymous said...

I love you Critic. You rock.


The Critic said...

I am mean, rude, and I make fun of all colleges including my mighty Princeton.

Tiffany: If you love me send money.