Skip finally said what America is thinking, "I guess God doesn't like me right now, because it seems he's opening the way for the Cowboys to go to the Super Bowl for the NFC." Skip, I hate to tell you this... But we already knew that God hated you and your douchebag ways.
Now before everyone thinks that I'm hating on Skip entirely, I'm not. I'm just saying that Skip is a poster child on third trimester abortions. For someone who's a graduate of the University of Vanderbilt and be a bigger douchebag than half of the alumni that came from the university, with the exception of Joe Bob Briggs, my God, take a break, Skippy.
Before I finish this article, I'll touch on Skip's points on why he thinks God really does hate him and loves the Tuna.
- The Giants imploded on themselves
- Parcells hasn't thrown T.O. to the Mexicans, yet...
- The Panthers are relying on Chris Weinke
- The Saints are playing without Colston, Horn, or anyone else not named Reggie
- The Bears lost Tommie Harris and still have Rex at QB
While all valid points, they aren't the gospel, Skip. Maybe you should accept this one commandment while you're waiting on your idea of Hell, which is probably Dallas winning the 6th Lombardi Trophy in team history and the most in NFL history.
So does God come down himself to open the way for the Cowboys, or does he just send Moses, er, Tony Romo to do it?
I wouldn't know, I didn't get too far in the book of Douchebagius. I'm still stuck on the book of Woody Paige...
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