We will be providing highlights often through the game through the alcohol-tinged prism of a Packers and a Bears fan. We pick up during pre-game pointing and giggling:
Sooze: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Tuffy: what's that? i can't hear you over the sweet sound of freedom from kids, school, and the cruel expectations of playoff football.
Sooze: No shit!
Sooze: I feel like a new woman.
Sooze: It's too bad this game is meaningless to everyone but Bears fan. Well... even Bears fans.
Tuffy: the word around town is that we're all pissed this landed smack in the middle of new year's day plans.
Sooze: Haha, no kidding.
Tuffy: didn't affect mine; the time change hasn't prevented me from mixing a new drink every hour in my new MAGIC BULLET! (as seen on tv) and chasing it with a beer.
Sooze: Oh. my. god. You have a magic bullet.
Tuffy: my kidneys may try to swipe a german motorbike and escape.
Tuffy: my parents bought it for me.
Sooze: That is so awesome.
Tuffy: a new year, a new AS SEEN ON TV product.
Sooze: I've spent many a night, staring longingly at that infomercial
Tuffy: dear brett: i'm on day SHUT THE SHIT UP. love, tuffy.
Sooze: brett's last game ver blahblahhgfkghdfgxvcmugujknj,l
Tuffy: shouldn't he be telling us what step he's on?
Sooze: I think they'll just continue to do this every year until he retires. He'll probably play til 2010 - but they'll move the GB game to the evening slot no matter what
Tuffy: well...you know....
Tuffy: i hate/love/lustily accept the responsibility to say this...
Tuffy: but the packers don't *have* to sign him.
Excerpted is a discussion of the best quarterback name in the league today. Sooze votes for Cleo Lemon; Tuffy is a huge fan of Boonie Stutz.
Sooze: Listen here, fucker. I did not give you written permission to broadcast my Yahoo! lol's and smileys for all to see. Shit. I've spilled on my keyboard. See what you've done? My z button is now a shift button. Let the Favre fellatio commence.
Tuffy: Hooray impending car wreck! I don't have a strong sense of how long the Bears will keep their starters on the field, though previous games imply the fourth quarter may be a good time to get good and schnockered. (Moreso.) However, you'd better believe the Pack will play their starters until the last whistle. Favre will be a strong focus of our coverage and NBC's, sure. I've heard the hue and cry that whining about Favre's media treatment is trite. I respect that point of view strongly and can feel the worn groove along the edges of this argument.
However, we've shouted at the mountaintop for years now and not heard more than our own echoes. It's a pleasant little lie that we can have both the cool efficiency that creates championships and the warm loving band of brothers that stick next to each other forever. Perpetuating the lie is the media's burden; crushing it is ours.
In other words, spit out the dick, John. We'll keep telling you until you spit and rinse.
Sooze: My #4 jersey still smells like Lambeau.
Tuffy: Yeah. The stench of brats and beer are two things I look for in a woman.
Sooze: Oh my good lord, Bears D. Tank! Don't hurt him!
Tuffy: Tank needs to take out his frustrations with the law on Favre about now.
Sooze: Oooooooooooooh shit!!! Favre nails Double D up the middle for a touchdown. That's fuckin hot.
Tuffy: The Bears defense has been terribly vulnerable to mediocre offenses the last few weeks. There are still a few injuries, but I wonder what game film has exposed about the Bears defense and how a good offense can exploit it.
Also, I suspect it now matters that the Bears have an offense.
Your jersey smells like tarred lungs and leathery vagina? Fantastic! (Also, what's with the Edgar Bergen bit? If I wanted your hand up my ass, I'd pay the $20 you quoted me pre-game.)
Sooze: Ruvell Martin got the skillz to pay the billz, ya'll.
False alarm.
I'm just gonna pretend this game is important. Like it's Favre's last game or something.
Tuffy: Hey, look! Favre threw it 61 mph! That's as fast as...uhm...actually, I have no comparison for it, but it sure looks impressive in a flashy graphic with a pretty gradient. slurp.
The Bears played nickel on first down because of their intense unspoken fear of Favre, not because the Packers playcalling is more transparent than a white shirt on a co-ed during spring break. Good call, John.
Imagine what Ruvell Martin could have done if the pass had led him instead of circling the airport, waiting for clearance to land.
A photo montage of Favre accompanied by Led Zeppelin...where did I see that...oh, right! We just saw a video of John Madden's MySpace page as a bumper.
Sooze: Argdsgdrtyhnvg! Bartender!!!
I'll let you cover that one, Tuffy.
Tuffy: Ruvell Martin, why did you do that? Why did you embarrass the Favre? The Favre is not pleased with your actions. You must complete the cross for your Favre. Do not let the Favre be intercepted with your weakness. Kneel before Favre!
Nate! aaaah! Master of the universe! He'll save every one of us! He's just a man, but he can never fail; no one but the pure in heart can intercept the Favre pass. ooooh. oooooooooh.
gack. Back to you, Sooze.
Sooze: Oh no! Watch out Sexy Rexy! Awwwww shit, it's Nick Collins with the pick and the TD.
P.S. Suck my metaphorical balls, Rayner. It's a fucking extra point. Get used to it.
Packers 13, Bears DA BIG FAT ZERO
Sooze: John Madden, in all of his infinite wisdom claims that turnovers should never happen in professional football. Rexy fumbles. Pickett recovers.
For the love of all that is cheesey, Rayner. It is your J-O-B to kick the football through the goal posts.
Tuffy: How can Rayner get used to kicking extra points, Sooze? The Packers only average 18 ppg.
I would not be the slightest bit surprised to find out the league (aka NBC) insisted that the Bears choose to wear their road jerseys because Brett is a white hat cowboy and the Bears need to be the navy blue hat bad guy.
Sooze: That's an interesting idea. We should write a made-for-tv drama. Man. You got me there about Rayner, Tuffman. I'm sure he has better things to do than crap like, "practicing" in his free-time. Kickers get all the babes.
Oh. My. God. REXY! Look at that pick.
Al, forget the consensus around the country on whether or not Favre's coming back. Madden says he is. And if Madden says it's so, then it must be so.
Tuffy: On the other hand, every Chicago schoolchild can tell you why Sexy Rexy continues to swallow his tongue: he follows his target with the red-hot intensity of a first crush, leaving no doubt whom he plans to ask to the big dance. Every safety and cornerback cannot wait to cockblock him.
Second Quarter Update
Sooze: brb i need some more peanuts
Tuffy: and water
Tuffy: get water
Sooze: fuck that shit!
Tuffy: there's another half still
Tuffy: then you can sprint to the finish
Sooze: oih yeah ok. blah
Sooze: there's like... at least 420 peanut shells under my stool right now
tuffy: 420. nice code...echelon.
Sooze: haha i'm such a slueth
Sooze: how do you spell that
Tuffy: sleuth.
Sooze: thanks
(long pause)
Sooze: sleuth isn't even the right word
Tuffy: cryptographer
Tuffy: go get peanuts.
Sooze: will do
Sooze: i have to pee too.
Sooze: Jesus, Rexy. What the hell. I know you're all over this one, Tuffy.
Tuffy: I have to believe Rex Grossman is costing himself a playoff start with each weak fling and panicked toss. He's been uniformly awful. Every part of his game has been subpar. He's not showing improvement in any key area.
Also? Brett Favre is not Cy Young, Al. Jesus H. Christ on a stick. That's simply ridiculous. You might as well compare him to Ghandi and iron ore.
Sooze: Yeah, wrong sport, retard.
The Packers just put together their best half of the season. In a game that doesn't matter. In a game. That could possibly be. The legendary Brett Favre's. Last Game. Ever. Packers 23, Bears 0.
Tuffy: Halftime notes: I get a little choked up every time I see Cowher look into that camera and say, "That was a special moment." That must really be a great show; I look forward to seeing the show on NFL Network next never.
Tuffy: We should strongly consider combining the new Grease reality show with the Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases.
Tuffy: Again, I love the trick plays during exhibition-style games; it forces the opposition to waste 10-15 minutes of meeting time on a play your favorite team will probably never use. It forces misallocation of resources. Love it.
Tuffy: Brett Favre face morphing with an adult contemporary soundtrack, sandy beige background, and cursive script? That's Al's Facebook page.
Sooze: That last Favre musical montage was painfully gay.
Third Quarter Update
Tuffy:wow, the bears look awful. who greased th...OMG
Tuffy: it's a tie-in!
Sooze: haha it totally is
Tuffy: the packers are olivia newton-john
Tuffy: and the bears are travolta
Sooze: they so are
Tuffy: at least this proves favre is a pussy.
Tuffy: BAM
Sooze: and john madden is Betty Rizzo
Tuffy: hmm
Sooze: or not
Tuffy: pink.
Tuffy: pink is rizzo.
Sooze: cause rizzo never wanted to hump olivia newton john
Sooze: er sandy
Tuffy: you're not reading the best grease slash.
Sooze: apparently not
Sooze: Well, Rexy is Frenchy, then.
Tuffy: Last word, huh? Well, then: did you know Brett Favre once invented Steve Allen? True story. He was a conceit developed by Jayne Meadows and Brett Favre when Brett had to leave the comedy team to go invent the forward pass.
Sooze: Did you know that I once ditched Brian Urlacher at Leg Room, solely because he played for the Bears?
Tuffy: Worked out better for your contraceptive health, considering his later conquests.
OH FUCK ME. Al Michaels tells a cute story about growing up in Brooklyn and meeting Sid Luckman and John Madden shoves Al out of the booth to rhetorically ask, "Isn't Brett Favre as cool as Sid Luckman? No one is better, really. Also, Favre would beat Luckman at every game ever invented, including Super Game Inventing."
John Madden: Brett Favre throws a 100 m.p.h. fastball!
Jesus: I give. You win. You're bigger than the Beatles.
Tuffy: I'm glad we could pull the officials away from their YMCA flag football game in time for the contest this evening.
Wait...those are their uniforms? Seriously?
Tuffy: Bears quarterbacks have thrown one interception for each luxury box now. Thanks!
Also, I've noticed both NBC and ESPN have fallback plans for blowouts, keeping an interesting analyst (Collingsworth and Wilbon) on hand to create better conversation. This has worked out well for both networks; it just makes me wonder why both announcing teams need this kind of help in the first place.
Tuffy: And now we try to determine who cries more: Favre or Madden. I'll take the under on both; they'll wait till they get back to the hotel room.
Post Game Wrap
Sooze: Brett Favre made me cry tonight, but not as hard as Madden's post game eulogy.
Tuffy: Good night, all! Go get drunk in private and despair. It *is* New Year's Eve, after all.
Booze rhymes with Sooze!
Sloshy sloshy sloshy starts with S!
sooze-can you check your email?
It's my mom, gotta go.
I am so grounded.
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