Sunday, December 3, 2006

Raiders vs. Texans: Moments that Shine

The game is not even over, yet someone needs to page ESPN Classic right now.

Aaron Brooks has an interception, but he is handily outplaying counterpart David Carr. Two lost fumbles and 32 delicious yards passing for him. Raiders down 17-14, despite allowing only 106 total yards to this point. I wonder who is to blame...

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I can't put my finger on it.

Update #1 and only: Oakland was driving, kind of, and then some guy named Randall Williams fumbled. Brilliant!


Anonymous said...

Holy crap, you're not kidding. Are there a series of earthquakes striking Oakland at this moment?

J.R. Brown said...

Hey, you can't blame the Polack. So he forgets that you actually have to kick the ball if you're a kicker...