Monday, December 4, 2006

Panthers-Eagles: Pre-Game "Action"

Welcome to beautiful...Philadelphia? Really? Did someone proof this copy? ...okay, then.

Welcome to beautiful Philadelphia, where the Eagles encourage their supporters to develop stigmata to challenge even the most ardent Boston sports fan. Can I get a li'l "Nobody's Seen the Trouble I've Seen" from the congregation? Amen. Their starting quarterback's name is actually T.B. Determined, drafted out of Alcorn State. This kid's projectible if a bit underused.

Carolina fans...well, how do you kids feel? I know Carolina's been all over the place, but this team has the chance to throw down a 3-4 game winning streak at just the right time, no? A win tonight probably fills the hubris cup a bit tonight. (You're waiting for it, aren't you? The Hubris Cup joke? It's not happening. I've chosen a joke difficulty this evening of 1.3; there will be no NASCAR jokes tonight.)

Rocky couldn't wait until the game started to shill. People forget how charismatic and smart Sly used to be; he wrote Rocky! (Then again, he was smart enough to cash in at the right time. I've failed to do so. Good on you, Stallone. Good on you. Now go the fuck away, k?)

What a lovely piece on the Santa Claus attack by Jeremy Schapp; it's equal parts the better bits of NFL Films and SportsCentury. Admittedly, many viewers know this story, but it's tightly delivered.

I'll be checking back in with updates, trying to pick up on trends in the game that would normally slip past the announcing team. This may mean I have to post the down and distance a lot. We'll see.

Update 1: Hank Williams, Jr.'s patch-laden jacket makes him look like a homeless man. I believe this.


HadesGigas said...

Sly Stallone in Oscar? Seems fitting.

Anonymous said...

It was a comedy.

No, really.


WestSideSlant said...

Sly will be in the booth tonight. I'd like to see him force feed Kornheiser a glass of raw eggs.

Anonymous said...

west side slant: Glass and all? Nicely put, even if I can't agree.

WestSideSlant said...

Glass and all. Preferably administered as a suppository