For those of you not in an institutional setting, you may also wish to consider these possibilities:
My Name Is Earl is doing a one-hour special on measuring the annoyance of Leguizamo against the chest of Pressley.
Smallville has Allison Mack and others I kinda notice near her.
Uhm...TBS has the Chris Elliott vehicle Snow Day.
You get the idea.
Update #1: ....and that didn't take long. Nice assist from Derek to Kellen Winslow for the bucket and the foul on the third play from scrimmage. Give me a second to get my nachos and beer and find my seat again, would you, Derek? 7-0 Browns.
Update #2: Ben? Honey? Do you feel alright? D'Qwell Jackson isn't on the practice squad; he's a Cleveland Brown. I tell you what; I'll introduce you two once he comes back from that hideous touchdown dance he's doing. Very quickly, 14-0 Browns.
Update #3: With just a couple minutes left in the first quarter, Willie Parker was just sent to brain bruise land by Willie McGinest on a third and short. He was out long enough to visit Narnia but not long enough to join an actual Crusade. (We joke because we love; also, I waited until he sat up on his own and asked for a lollipop.)
During this very long delay, we find out two things about the NFL Network: one, they want sooze and the rest of you to think they're CSI because they've shown the blow graphically enough that I may need to call a loved one to sit with me and ensure I don't go to sleep for 6 hours. Two, Bryant Gumbel thought the starting running back was Lewis Parker. Hey, Bryant, Pittsburgh wishes.
There's a new CSI tonight. Grissom investigates when a worker at a poultry processing plant is found dead in a stun bath used to electrocute chickens before they are slaughtered. Nearby, a miniature replica of the crime scene is discovered.
Also, a man and a dead woman are found stuck in cement at a construction site; and an elderly Russian woman is discovered dead in her apartment with her head in a gas stove, but Warrick thinks she was murdered.
Fuck you, NFL Network.
Nothing say's Thurday night in America like the NFL Network or a sucking chest wound.
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